Explore the Ancient Art of Meditative Singing

Saturday 16th of December 15.30h - 18.30h

@ Coração Shala - Aljezur

Dhrupad is an ancient and meditative tradition of Indian classical music that embodies the yoga of sound, offering a unique and profound experience.

It is characterized by its deep and contemplative singing style, allowing for free improvisation within the framework of the raga, which is the melodic pattern and musical entity of classical Indian music.

Dhrupad is considered the oldest form of Indian classical music, with its origins rooted in the Samaveda. It has a rich history and has evolved into a sophisticated art form with its own complex musical grammar. Initially, it was performed by mystics and yogis in the forests, and later found its place in Hindu temples. It also gained patronage in the royal courts of both Muslim and Hindu rulers. While preserving its sacred essence of Vedic chants and mantras, Dhrupad gradually developed into a refined and spiritual art form.

The singing practice of Dhrupad is introspective, devotional and uplifting. It is an art that encourages deep listening and allows for the exploration of the inner self through sound.
It is not only a form of musical expression but also a means of healing and connecting with the divine.

Program of the workshop:

 First part – practical andmethodical Techniques for 'opening' the natural voice and production of sound, while observing the body.

 Second part the Indian scales, practical exercises for developing fine musical hearing

 Third part introduction to Indian raga (melody) and tala (rhythm), improvisation on the melodic scale and rhythmical cycle with a traditional composition.

This workshop is open to everyone who is interested, regardless of their level of musical experience. So, whether you're a beginner or an experienced musician, you are welcome to join!

Duration of workshop: 3h

Contribution: 45 €(early bird up to 12th of December, after that 55 €)

For registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dhrupad-singing-workshop-coracao-shala-registration-771128003617?aff=oddtdtcreator

For more info contact:
email: simona.durga@gmail.com
WhatsApp/Telegram: +39 329 45387133

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